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Chapter 54: Grasp for Power

The emperor’s room large room intimidated Xiaoli. The blue hanging drapes and expensive furniture did not alleviate the feeling of dread. She passed by painted scrolls, reading ‘power’, ‘glory’ and ‘worth’, and paused to stare at the protruding, blackened hands holding Huli’s renowned sword. Too caught up in her anxiety and thoughts of her chosen life, she momentarily forgot the failed Fox execution until a fist collided with her face.

The excruciating pain left her speechless and weakened to the floor. A solid foot landed into her ribs with a horrifying crunch. Xiaoli sobbed, shaken by the sudden punishment. Deep down, she knew this had been coming. Since his enthronement, Huli enjoyed displaying his dominance through physical displays. It became worse after Qiaolian’s death and slaves did not satisfy him any longer. Instead, he toyed with Xiaoli, slapping her whenever he pleased. Yet, he never was this violent.

The emperor ripped a handful of her hair upwards and bellowed into her ear. “You bitch! You humiliated me in public! My dignity is tarnished because of your stupidity! Have you ever seen the Fox before? Do you know more than the rumours perhaps?”

The execution turned into a disaster. When Xiaoli suggested it to Huli, he frothed over the plan and showed genuine happiness. She never imagined it would backfire so severely. Just as she had been trained by Qiaolian, everything was arranged to prove her lies about the Fox; servants gave false statements, they cut out the maid’s tongue and Xiaoli found time to carve a fox mask. How did she fail? Even when Disung stuck his foot in the business, Huli over-ruled him. It looked so successful right until the real Fox showed up.

“Forgive me! Please! It isn’t my fault! Please!” Xiaoli wept.

“I should never have let my mother accept filthy scum like you as a future wife,” Huli spat. “Now, not only is my reputation tarnished but my position! Have you heard the people?! Even the poor filthy peasants speak of the emperor as a hopeless child! This is your fault, you whore!”

“I swear I knew nothing! I only wanted to serve you!”

“Serve?! My mother’s maid serves me better than you have done in all your years at the palace!”

In the corner of the room, hidden in shadows, Meifan kneeled and bowed her head. Her attire – the uniform red instead of pink to show a high-ranking housemaid – looked immaculate, as did her features. She remained beautiful while Xiaoli felt her cheek swell. It pissed her off. Why her! A scream ricocheted inside her head. Why is it always her! Did she seduce him? Is that why she keeps her pretty eyes shining and lips pouting? The pain Huli inflicted seemed to worsen with her jealousy.

“That servant did not do her duty! She did not warn us that Fa Huian had relations with Ànshù! It is her fault!” Xiaoli desperately argued.

“You are a fool who is no better than those mutts living on the street! How pathetic would that look if your plan succeeded? A worthless servant and noblewoman caught a female assassin instead of the emperor. The people would shout about the foolishness of their new emperor for years!”

But you agreed to it. I suggested the plan and you helped me. This isn’t fair! “It was never my intention—”

The words were cut by Xiaoli’s face slamming into the ground. A pool of blood spread out from the nostrils of a flattened nose. Terror stole her breath as much as the beatings to her ribs had. Huli stood on her leg, pushing more weight until she yelped. Then, he held the pressure and watched her squirm.

“If you wish to gain my forgiveness, cry louder and beg for mercy!” Helpless, Xiaoli cried to appease the emperor’s dark delight. “Grovel more. I am still not pleased by your efforts.”

Xiaoli had no choice and obeyed. If she didn’t scream loud enough for forgiveness, he kicked her harder. After his amusement died, Huli went off somehow without bothering announcing his plans. Xiaoli stayed on the floor, the pain and paralysing horror stopping her from leaving. This felt worse than her father’s death and the poverty of her family. She believed her most wretched experience would be attached to that farmhouse in the country but this seemed far more humiliating. Especially when she caught Meifan’s eyes, full of pity and a slither of joy.

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